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Behold, God Makes All Things New!

Behold, God Makes All Things New!

We celebrated 34 years in the ministry in September 2023. Here are my decades in a short review:

· 1950’s: Births; 1949 – John; 1952 – Hema!

· 1960’s: Miracle Transformation with Healings from Tuberculosis (1967) from a TB Ward, and Bleeding Ulcers (1969); Salvation Experience (1969)!

· 1970: Baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1975; Education in Engineering & Move to the US for Graduate Program; Most importantly meeting with Hema to come into a covenant agreement that we would be a couple together!

· 1980’s: Marriage (1981), Children – Elizabeth & Rachel; Move to Florida from Pennsylvania, Received the Supernatural Call to the Ministry!

· 1990: Fulltime in the ministry; Nations; “A Citywide Call to Prayer” with a host of pastors (at least 65 at times) here in Daytona Beach, DeLand, State College, PA, Douglasville, Cartersville, La Fayette, GA.

· 2000’s: “Peace for Israel Festivals” with Christians and Jews, Travel to Israel with Christians, Jews, and Messianic Jews; Vision to Build a House of Prayer in Daytona Beach, Breaking Ground for Construction! The Relationship between Christians and Jews is so sacred that it continues! A Life-Changing Experience on October 17, 2003. Since then, I have been awakened every morning at 3 AM until today for precious fellowship with my Lord!

· 2010’s: A New Life to Hema from a Deadly Attack – 2012; Completion & Launch of Global Prayer Center debt-free in 2014; Continued Travels to Nations for Leadership Meetings! A New Life to John from Four Major Blockages of the Heart without Surgery (2018); Years of the Pandemic!

· 2020’s: Pandemic is over; confusion, lawlessness, and conflict in the nations; God’s Promise of a New Beginning to His Army!

We had traveled to minister in various continents, North and South Americas, Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, and Australia, and a few nations - the Caribbean Islands, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Hungary, Germany, Kenya, and extensively here in the United States.

As I was waiting on God, for the first time in all my ministry, God prompted me to make the following declarations. You must understand, that I am God’s servant, the least in His kingdom and I do not dare make declarations casually without the prompting of the Spirit of God. I simply follow orders from my God. This is different! This season begins with the following declarations. Notice in all the declarations that God impressed upon my heart, there is a common word “behold” which means “look now, to fix the eyes upon, to see with attention, to observe with care, to fix your mind upon!” I am not only making these declarations but also earnestly looking for and fixing my eyes firmly on my Creator and my God who is the Beginner of All New Beginnings.

A Declaration That I am A New Creation! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17).

Christ makes all things NEW! We are off Him; we are in Him; we are in His Word; and we are equipped with His Power; our desire is to be covered by His Presence and walk in the fullness of Obedience and Faithfulness to Him. I am making a declaration as God renews and restores all things new, I will continue to be a New Creation in Jesus and stay in the place where He has kept me to learn, receive, and be trained in Him with His Word, Anointing, Power, and Glory.

God is Bringing Me into a New Anointing! “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

God is about to do New Things – New Open Doors, A New Anointing, A Fresh New Harvest, A New Addition to Prayer Partners, A New Favor, and new Rewards!

I am making a declaration that a New Anointing is coming upon all the people waiting for Him in these last days, including me. With the new anointing, there will be the springing of new things and new instructions and guidance from the Lord. The stumbling blocks will be removed, and God will provide a new passageway from the place where His people are held up to set them free by the power of His Holy Spirit!

A New Listening Ear to God’s Revelation! “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them” (Isaiah 42:9).

We will be sensitive to God’s alerts and warnings and His declaration of New Things before they happen!

I am making a declaration as I keep thanking God for all that He has done that God Himself is declaring new things to me. As I stay sensitive to the Lord, I will be alerted with God’s warnings and God’s impressions of His new promises, and I will see them come to pass in my life.

God Will Do Awesome Things as Never Before! “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels (wonderful acts) such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you” (Exodus 34:10).

God had already performed wonders and miracles in Egypt for Israel and on their way to the Promised Land, but He now promises Moses, “I will do marvels (wonderful acts) such as have not been done in all the earth.”

I have seen many wonders, miracles, changes in lives, and transformations in myself and others but I HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET! God is not into stale and old things, but He creates all things NEW. I am making a declaration that my God is about to take me on a journey of the unknown with awesome things that I have never seen before to humble me and break my heart even more than before!

A New Consecration and Dedication! These declarations are fresh and new, and they demand New Consecration and New Dedication!

I make these declarations with fear and trembling before God, and yet with the boldness of an unshaken faith. With these declarations, I dedicate my life to the One I love, trust, and follow the most with all my heart, mind, and strength. Moses experienced a new intimacy when God showed him the glory atop the mountain; Prophet Isaiah dedicated himself anew when he saw the Lord high and lifted with God’s train filling the temple and the angels were crying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isaiah 6:3).

Prayer of Dedication and Consecration! “Heavenly Father, I love You and adore You and bow down before You. You have created me in Your image and after Your likeness and yet You have recreated me with Your breath of new life in Jesus Christ. You have guided me, protected me, and preserved me through all the years by Your grace and love. Lord, I have come to a new beginning in You. All the old things have passed away and things have become altogether new. I will run my race, leaving those things behind, and press on to new horizons before me with Your strength, guidance, protection, and open doors. I will stay in Your presence to listen to Your heart declaring new things before they even happen. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, I will experience new marvels as I have never seen them before. In all these declarations, I declare that I will be faithful and loyal to You and to Your calling upon my life, and finish my race beholding Your face with love, dedication, and consecration. In the Precious and Wonderful Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen! Amen!!


John Jeyaseelan

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